

Top-level script of the GLOBIOM model. It executes the numbered stages of the model in-sequence, passing the output of a stage as input to the next stage via the filesystem (.g00 files in the Model/t directory).

This allows the model to be re-run quickly after modifying a stage by commenting out the execute statements of prior stages: since these will not produce modified output, their existing output files can be re-used.

To keep the .g00 input/output and .gdx output files of the stages of a run separate, redefine the run variable so as to provide the files with a unique label.


Commented-out executes of existing scripts



The 7_output.gms file is by default executed at the end of 6_scenario.gms. Output can also be produced ex-post with 7_output.gms if //no_ouput=1 is used as argument for the 6_scenario.gms execution.

Arguments for 7_output.gms:
  • //csv=1 for production of a CSV file using GDXVIEWER (Windows only).

  • //limpopo=1 for production of output.gdx in the gdx folder and addition of outputs_limpopo.gms elements.

Feedback scenario:
  1. choose IEAscen RCP2..RCPref

  2. choose BioenScen SPA0 (=baseline)

p_driven scenario:
  1. choose IEAscen scenBASE

  2. choose BioenScen GHG050_BIO00..GHG050_BIO06 (=carbon price 50$, biomass price 0*7.2..40*7.2)

Some sensitivity analysis results:
  1. use volume calibration for PW/SW -> 2000 prices make no sense, over time not much difference.

  2. ignore transport costs -> woody biomass prices $10 lower, otherwise no difference.

  3. higher roundwood use for energy (especially Africa) -> is caused by differences in agriculture sector (less IP).